
Utheemu United Holds Founding Meeting and First Executive Committee Election

Utheemu, February 28, 2014 – Utheemu United (UU) marked a significant milestone with its founding meeting and the election of its first Executive Committee. The meeting took place at the Boduthakurufaanu Memorial Center and was chaired by the founders of Utheemu United, Mr. Hussain Nadheem and Mr. Abdulla Muaz.

The meeting began with the announcement of the candidates who had applied for various positions on the Executive Committee. Each candidate was given two minutes to introduce themselves to the attendees, providing an opportunity to share their vision and goals for Utheemu United.

Voting for the five executive posts was conducted by secret ballot. A total of nine candidates competed for these positions. The meeting saw the participation of 60 members, who cast their votes to shape the leadership of Utheemu United. The results of the election are as follows:

1PresidentAli Hafiz5550
2Vice PresidentAbdulla Rasheed5730
3SecretoryMohamed Shiyam5910
4Program coordinatorMohamed Baseer5730
5TreasurerAhmed Riyaz27 2
  Shahida Sameer23
  Abdulla Athif3
  Mohamed Shuhail5

The successful election of the Executive Committee marks the beginning of a new chapter for Utheemu United, as the organization looks forward to driving positive change and development within the Utheemu community.

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