Utheem United Green Project 2013
In a collaborative effort, Utheem United and Banyantree Holdings organized a tree planting initiative in Utheemu. Named the ‘Utheem United Green Project 2013’, the event took place on November 29, 2013, following a brief morning ceremony.
The proceedings commenced with the recitation of the holy Quran by Mr. Ibrahim Imaz, followed by the presence of Utheemu Magistrate, Mr. Ahmed Siraj. Representatives from Banyantree Holdings, including Mr. Ali Nasheed, addressed the audience, alongside speakers from Utheem United, Mr. Ali Hafiz, and Mr. Ahmed Suhail.
The ceremonial planting began with Mr. Ahmed Siraj, Chief Guest and Magistrate of Utheemu Court, setting the first sapling into the ground. Subsequently, residents enthusiastically joined in, planting diverse trees across various locations within the Island, marking a significant step forward in environmental conservation.